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Malgré les engagements exemplaires de la Bolivie, la réalité sociale du pays n'est qu'un des nombreux défis à relever pour parvenir au pluralisme.

Groupes Évalués

  • Dimension politique
  • Dimension régionale
  • Dimension ethnique

La Bolivie se définit comme une démocratie plurinationale. Une démocratie ou une nation plurinationale fait référence à la coexistence de plusieurs nations au sein d’une même nation. La Bolivie reconnaît les identités multiethniques, et la protection des droits des Autochtones dans ses lois inclusives ainsi que ses protections sociales reflètent un haut degré de pluralisme. Toutefois, les inégalités socio-économiques et la polarisation politique menacent ces progrès. L’évaluation du Moniteur fait ressortir deux grands problèmes qui affectent le pluralisme en Bolivie aujourd’hui. Le premier est lié aux divisions provoquées par les blessures politiques de la crise de 2019. Le deuxième est celui de l’inégalité de la citoyenneté. Cet evaluation été achevée en 2021.


Ensure the independence of the judicial system

Bolivia has the opportunity to strengthen policy implementation and continue safeguarding Bolivian’s human rights by reforming the judicial system to guarantee its full independence. This could also prevent the misuse of the justice system for political gain as well as improve trust in institutions.

Facilitate processes to access Indigena Originario Campesino autonomy

There are current bureaucratic and technical barriers that limit Indigenous groups’ access to IOC autonomy. Consequently, Indigenous groups’ rights to free determination, territorial control and preservation of their cultural identities are limited. Reviewing legislations such as the Framework Law for Autonomy and Decentralization to improve these processes can help support Indigenous rights and autonomy.

Promotion of pluralism in the media sector

Promoting pluralism in the media sector has the potential to foster environments of mutual dialogue and respect. Due to the increased polarization of the nation, this can help increase national awareness of social inequalities that often drive conflict.

Develop empirical studies about Indigenous languages

Having recognized 36 Indigenous languages in their Constitution, Bolivia has the unique opportunity to promote the recuperation of non-dominant Indigenous languages and consider them for the translation of official documents and policies. This can be done by developing empirical studies of the use and relevant of different Indigenous languages on the parts of Bolivia with most vulnerable minority groups.


Legal Commitments

International Commitments

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Bolivia has ratified all major UN Human Rights Treaties. Yet, there are gaps between state reporting and independent reporting. These gaps point towards increased human rights violations. Although bodies such as the Inter-American Court of Human Rights have raised concerns about this, Bolivia has yet to respond to allegations of human rights violations.

National Commitments

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Bolivia has a pluralistic constitution that includes the values and principles of Indigenous groups. This is built into the foundation of the state.  However, branches of government do not have strong independence. This has weakened national commitments to pluralism.

Inclusive Citizenship

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Bolivia’s Constitution has provisions for both inclusive citizenship and the suspension of citizenship. Yet, communities in hard-to-reach areas do not have full access to citizenship. The ruling party is also known for suspending the citizenship of political opponents.


Policy Implementation

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Pluralistic policy implementation often results in conflict. Favouritism of groups by the government has resulted in injustices and policies that do not focus on Indigenous ways of life. Many of these policies designed to do good are not implemented properly. As a result, many Bolivians are excluded.

Data Collection

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Bolivia’s National Institute for Statistics conducts a census every ten years. Yet, there is a lack of data on group-based inequalities in Bolivia. This includes sexual orientation, violence against women, and child labour, among others. According to non-governmental organizations, existing data is difficult to access and often manipulated.

Claims-making and Contestation

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Political affiliation impacts Indigenous groups’ ability to protest or engage in mobilizations. Minority Indigenous groups that are not affiliated with a political party are often discredited. Claims-making becomes a process through which they are made invisible. As a result, their interests and demands go unrepresented.

Leadership for Pluralism

Political Parties

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While all political parties support inclusive policies, not all promote pluralism. As a result, Indigenous groups and women feel excluded and unrepresented by political parties.

News Media: Representation

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Community radio stations allow rural communities to discuss local issues and concerns in their native languages. These stations have become increasingly popular. However, larger media outlets tend to have a clear political position. Media outlets that support the government are more likely to receive preferential treatment.

News Media: Prominence of Pluralistic Actors (B)

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Political polarization has made it difficult for media actors to adopt pluralism. Most media outlets seek to produce content that secures funding for the outlet. This results in airtime showcasing biased information about the government and the rise of fake news.

Civil Society

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Membership with a local civil society organization is almost compulsory in Bolivia. This affiliation becomes necessary to access resources in hard-to-reach areas. In rural areas where the government lacks presence, civil society such as sindicatos campesinos or comités cívicos fill the gaps.

Private sector

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Indigenous men are overrepresented in the informal private sector across Bolivia. Combined with a small presence of the formal sector, this leads to the exploitation of marginalized Indigenous groups. This results in the worsening of intergroup inequalities.

Group-based Inequalities


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There is not much room in Bolivia for political diversity. This is due to the strong presence of the ruling party across state institutions and organizations. This lack of political diversity has reinforced social inequalities, as well as the exclusion of women in the political sphere.


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Despite pluralistic policies, Indigenous Bolivians still fare worse than their non-Indigenous counterparts. These economic inequalities worsen when comparing urban and rural areas. Additionally, economic inequalities also influence political affiliation. Lower-income individuals are given to supporting the MAS party, while higher-income individuals are more inclined to supporting the opposition.


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Government inefficiencies impact the provision of social services. The lack of access to education or healthcare has helped perpetuate inequalities. Because this access is marked by economic class, women in rural areas are more affected. Indigenous women tend to have the lowest levels of access to social services.


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Although the 2009 Constitution recognizes all Indigenous symbols, the ruling party only represents the symbols and expressions of majoritarian, Highland groups. This has resulted in feelings of exclusion and a lack of representation by minority Indigenous groups. These minority groups often see their own symbols appropriated by political opposition groups. Consequently, minority Indigenous groups are labelled ‘separatists’ when celebrating their culture.

Access to Justice

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Bolivia faces challenges in guaranteeing pluralism through the rule of law. The judiciary system in Bolivia is notorious for being weak and lacking independence. This results in the inordinate prosecution of political opponents. Minority Indigenous groups are also prosecuted, especially if they are not affiliated with the ruling party. Additionally, Indigenous justice systems are relegated to a secondary role.

Intergroup Relations and Belonging

Intergroup violence

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Although most Bolivians frown upon physical violence, episodic violence has been on the rise since 2019. The Pluralism Perceptions Survey identifies two main causes of violence: political affiliation and ethnic-based discrimination. A key component of this violence is the role of the government as an instigator. For example, the current Arce government is not neutral. This government incites loyal organizations to engage in demonstrations that can often turn violent.

Intergroup Trust

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Bolivians exhibit some of the lowest levels of trust of other people in the world. Historical differences between ethnic groups and isolation from regional communities are, in part, responsible. Indigenous groups tend to trust each other over their non-Indigenous counterparts. However, increased political polarization has added another layer of distrust.

Trust in Institutions

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Trust in institutions has seen a sharp decline since 2009. Although Indigenous groups tend to trust institutions more, Monitor findings show that this trust varies across Indigenous groups. Trust in institutions is lower for those groups not affiliated with the MAS ruling party. In other words, trust and legitimacy of institutions (e.g., police, media, courts) depend on political affiliation.

Inclusion and Acceptance

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Although inclusive policies have been a priority for the MAS government, inclusion has not been fully achieved. Smaller Indigenous groups often experience discrimination from these policies due to their Andino-centric approach. This often leads to a contentious relationship between the groups and the state. Inclusion and acceptance do not extend to opposition political parties, which governing parties seek to delegitimize.

Shared Ownership of Society

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Despite challenges to pluralism, most groups feel that they belong in Bolivia. This sense of belonging is equally strong between different genders. Overall, the MAS government has allowed Indigenous Bolivians to have a stronger sense of belonging than they did 20 years ago. Although there is a lack of inclusion of political opposition, this sense of belonging extends past political affiliation.